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Im going thru separation. We have two vehicles and both happen to be on my ex name. how do I go about asking him to transfer the car as he is making it so difficult for me. though the car is in my custody since it was on insurance I use to drive it but now he removed it off insurance we even sold our home and both living separately but the car still states the old address. No way he is signing the papers in order to transfer the car in my name. Im from Canada and in order when there is a separation involved he has to sign a sworn agreement stating that the car is being gifted from one spouse to another. What other way can I have him sign if I can get any help from you ladies. I have my parents living with me and daughter does not want to go to college as she has to change three buses whereas she use to drive to college. Thank you Flo


Can you offer to pay for the insurance and maintenance to make it more palatable? I think a judge will support your claim. If your stbx is stubborn about this, I think you will need a lawyer to fight for the car.
In the U.S. it is customary these days for a 50-50 property split but that pretty much applies to the final divorce, not separation.