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Divorce with POA

After nearly 20 years of marriage with 2 children (18 to be and 20 to be), my husband (a retiree from military) wants a divorce after find a girlfriend behind my back and had affair for a year after put my family thru hell. He wants me to prepare the divorce paper (he did not want spend money on attorney) and signed (with notary) a general POA as I can signed anything for him. I want to put all the assets under my name as settlement, get his half or all military retirement and leave all the debt to him. Am I able to do that? In another words, can I can sign for him on the divorce paper which I prepared with all the benefits to myself (and kids) and leave all the debt to him? . With the POA, I want to clean all his bank account (joint or just by his name), change all the properties (joint owned or only his name) to my name. How can I do it more effectively and legally?