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divorced for 13 years and just discovered alimony was illegally lowered

After 11 years of being divorced, it appeared my ex had cancelled my court ordered life insurance. My attorney was just too high so I consulted a 2nd attorney. After reviewing my file, he told me my alimony was illegally reduced, being paid by my portion of ex husbands pension which was divided as marital assets at divorce. He took early retirement 3 years after divorce, and unknown to me, both attorneys failed to properly conduct the modification of alimony by allowing the pension to be used to pay alimony. Also, my attorney made no attempt to discover his financial picture. I now know that he had 50,000 with which he purchased a 2nd home 1 month before his retirement. This was not disclosed. He was cohabitating with his soon to be wife, also not disclosed. He received a large severance which I was told I had no part of. The attorney told me to sue my attorney I had used for the divorce and modification. I am mentally disabled, and that was too much for me to deal with, plus I have a daughter whom I didn't want to find out just how nasty her father is. I hired an attorney last year and after 8 months of his lying, used all my money and I have nothing. I had 4 major surgeries but due to lack of money could not go after him. I have gone bankrupt and my home is in foreclosure. I had excellent credit my entire life. I desperately need representation as I have no money to rent an apt plus he has to pay for what he has basically stolen from me. I am hoping an attorney will represent me pro bono so I can get my alimony and life insurance. I understand that by cancelling my life insurance, he may go to jail. I hope so. I barely get by, while he lives an amazing lifestyle due to his not paying my alimony which was $250 a week.