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married 3 months and seperated,how do I deal

I've been married for a little over 3 months and just recently found out my husband is cheating on me with his children's mother whom has cancer and he feels like it's his duty to make her feel loved even if it has been a betrayal of our marriage. I had suspected something was going on with them about a month ago but he kept telling me I was being crazy,he'd never be with her again,but I found the inappropriate messages to each other about 3 days ago and I asked him to leave,the same night he asked me if we could work out our marriage because he doesn't want to lose our family,I agreed to let him come home but he never showed,I'm know he's with her,so I decided to file for divorce. I feel like a mess,crying all the time can't eat or sleep,I feel so much shame,I can't talk to my friends and family yet so I keep making excuses to why he's not around. I just feel like my only answer is divorce,it's pot something I really want to do but what I there choices do I have?

Re: married 3 months and seperated,how do I deal

Get into couples counseling. If he won't go, then get help for yourself.