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Child Support- terrible ex

I have an x husband who owns multiple busniesses and has a history of abusing myself sexually physically and mentally for years and my son mentally as well. I stopped allowing visitation because of what it was going to my son and he said If I did he would take me to court and lowe rmy child support. Well hes taken me back to court and keeps providing fake documents, homemade bank statements, letters from employers that are his friends and etc. Does any one know what forms I need in California to file a response suggesting that his evidence is fraudulent and to request the judge to demand to subpoena his accounts and etc?
please help.. He has done nothing for our son for 8 years and I need help to care for our child.

Re: Child Support- terrible ex

What do your court orders say about the father's visitation? If he has court ordered visitation, then you are in contempt of court. If not, then his taking you back to court will surely result in the court setting down visitation formally.

You made a big mistake and will lose on this issue unless you have extremely compelling evidence of direct physical harm to the son, such as hospital reports showing treatment of his abuse, or direct testimony by a therapist or guardian ad litem.

If you are found to have been obstructive to his visitation, it is possible that you may be responsible for his legal fees on the issue as well as your own.

Child support is a completely separate issue from visitation. You said "He has done nothing for our son for 8 years"

Does this mean he has paid no child support for 8 years? That he hasn't been in the child's life?

The amount of child support will be set by the evidence submitted to the court. If you believe he will lie and submit false evidence about his income, simply saying so will bear no weight. You are very unlikely to be able to subpoena records yourself, you need a lawyer.

For an estimation of what child support might be, see:

What event happened that caused you to deny him visitation?