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Shared or Full Custody

I was not able to add to previous post:

He's also asked for DNA testing to confirm that he is the biological father. Who pays for that? I have no problem with the test itself because he is the father, but the fact that he would ask for one and would deny them! The request, as if I'm that type of person, was a big slap to the face. It makes me even more upset over this shared custody, but i'm trying not to be emotional about this. I remind myself it is not about me its about my children. They love him and I'm sure he loves them too. But he does not love them the right way just as he did not love me the right way. And yes i can say that because of his actions. My children are very young and needs/wants attention from him that they don't receive unless they are in his face. This separation is the norm for them already. But they still feel his absence. I don't want to have to run anything by him regarding my children since I don't now. I take care of them just fine without his input. I don't even have a number for him so that they can call him. Thankfully they have stopped asking to call him. At this point what do i need to do to skip mediation and go straight to a judge? With or without a lawyer...