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divorce/ buying car

I am putting my divorce papers in next week. But my husband is going to by a new car on finance which will be £200.00 per month in his name . Does this mean that because he's bought the car while we are still married that I will have to pay half of the repayments each month when we get divorced. Should I tell him not to buy the car until we are divorced?

Re: divorce/ buying car

Such financial questions might be tricky for U.S.-based posters to discuss.
If he knows that you're filing, you should definitely tell him to postpone the purchase. It's a preventable headache for both of you.

Generally speaking, while it is true that the asset (car) and debt (liability) are shared between you, you can negotiate an agreement such that he gets both the asset and liability, while you get others in return so they balance out.
The split doesn't necessarily have to be 50-50.
In the U.S. the value of a car drops significantly as soon as it is driven off the dealer lot. He may be upside-down right from the start.