Womans Divorce Forum

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What would u do

10 yrs ago I came into my husbands life. He had two children. His ex and him finally divorced after two years of fighting custody. He didn't want to be a weekend dad.
We married eventually.
I stepped in and took the role of step mother. His ex and I didn't get along at first,but when she gave birth to her daughter, things changed. For a good 5 years things were ok.
We would communicAte and both of us would be there together in all events with the children. I made my home as if it was their only house. I took care of them when sick, picked up from school, took to dr.,took them to visits my family, which they ended up falling I love With them and treat them as if I birthed them. I took them to church, Santa came to our house and moms house. I would involve myself as much as I could and bit my tounge a lot.
As mom went through a few boyfriends, I was there for the children. If the kids wanted to go to moms on a day that wasn't hers, she said no. I stood by those children through everything.
Now ten years have passed and I have held I so much anger because of the wrong I have seen mom do. I realize no one is perfect.
Now that the oldest is driving more rules have come about, I get on to the child that drives now for something and it makes her mad. She goes to mom,mom gets mad. Huge fight for the past two Months. The 16 year old wouldn't even come to our home for two weeks.
Now mom has taken my name off school lists, at the dr. Even sent the youngest to my mother n laws after I had said no. She has turned my babies against me and the hurt is more than Ivan handle.
I'm lost,marriage if failing.