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Re: Im at my wits end

Phoenix: My cousin is also getting a divorce after just two years. He was using her financially. My heart goes out to you.

Re: Im at my wits end

You are much to young to even consider staying in this relationship. The physical, mental and emotional abuse will only continue and get worse.. I know you want to stand on your own two feet financially and I applaud that. However getting a little help to reach that point sounds like what would be in your best interest. There is no shame in getting help to get out of a bad situation. Whatever bad feelings you might have while trying to get to the point of standing on your own feet are nothing compared to a lifetime of bad feelings you will have if you stay in this marriage. Talk to the family member about your concerns about being stalked. I gather the Sponsor would be a Sugar Daddy so skip that. Look into getting into a shelter. Start looking for a job now. If you are worried about being stalked by your husband look outside your state. Maybe the family member or sponsor can help you move away. If it make you feel better to plan on paying them back if they help you financially. Do whatever you need to do to get yourself in a better place.
Wishing you the best but only you can make that happen.