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Want to relocate in state

Hi there

I was divorced about 4 years ago and have a 7 year old with my ex. We live in the same town currently and share physical custody with my home being his primary residence. Visitation time is 35% with his dad. I have since been remarried and my current husband finished school recently. There are no jobs in this area for him in his field so he has a job based in the city 3 hours away but in state. We want to move to the area as he is currently driving back and forth every day. Wondering, if we are better able to support my son, if the move will likely be granted? His father lives in a very run down home and keeps it looking like a junkyard, has a new girlfriend all the time, and my son has siblings with us.


Re: Want to relocate in state

Leslie: This is a question for a Family Lawyer in your State. Sometimes the first visit is free.

Re: Want to relocate in state

Sounds like you are doing your best to keep your child's biological father in his life. You should be commended for that. 35% of a month is a lot of time. You should be Happy that your ex cares enough about your child to want to spend this much time with him,

The question now should be how can you give your ex the same amount of time during the year, Are you willing to give him every weekend? Every school break or all summer?

If you go into court with a plan that still gives him the same amount of time in a year I feel it will be granted.