Womans Divorce Forum

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I'm Baaa-aa-aaaaaack!

Hello my dears! I just dropped in to share a couple words of encouragement, and to rattle a few cages.

Words of encouragement:
- Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.
- Time heals. Let it.
- There is never a bad time for dark chocolate.
- You are allowed to feel everything you're feeling. Anybody tells you otherwise, tell 'em to pound sand.
- It really does get better. I am living proof.
- Don't let your babies grow up to be d-bags. Cowboys are, in general, pretty awesome. I'd rather my sons were cowboys than d-bags.

Cage Rattling:
I've been seeing an awful lot of posts from women who are still giving their soon-to-be exes, and already-exes, "marital privileges". Ladies. CUT THAT SH1T OUT. Seriously. It's never, ever a good idea. Have more respect for yourselves than these hosers have for you.

Peace out, hang 'em high, and always remember to pick up your socks!


Re: I'm Baaa-aa-aaaaaack!

Re: I'm Baaa-aa-aaaaaack!

I responded to your message a little while after you posted but I see it didn't go through. Time does heal wounds. You can't rush healing, it happens a little at a time. I have been divorce a little over a year now after being for 25 years. I have eaten dark and milk chocolate through the year and it has helped A LOT!!!! I totally agree with you about allowing EXs relation privileges. I would never allow myself to go back to a person who has caused me sooooooooo much misery. Great advice.