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Re: Feeling trapped

File for divorce. The process is straightforward. It is simple, but not easy (emotionally).

I will bet you will feel a sense of relief once you file.

Re: Feeling trapped

I left after 31 years of abuse. The book that saved my life: THe Verbally Abusive Relationship by Patricia Evans.

You must make plans to leave safely. Please don't get involved with someone else. Don't give him a reason to beat you or even kill you. See a therapist, or call a women's shelter for help in leaving.

Re: Feeling trapped

My mom was in a abusive relationship with my father. As a teenager I prayed that they would get divorced. She did the get involved with someone else thing after all us kids were grown but lied to me about it. Do you and your kids a favor and get divorced before getting involved the someone else. All of you (except your current husband, and he doesn't metter) will feel better.

Re: Feeling trapped

My name is Rikki, and I am a psychology student - my parents divorced a couple of years ago. I experienced every side of divorce - the breaking of the news, the denial, the happiness, the fall-out...everything. Divorce practically bulldozed my family, but things improved significantly. I have many friends who endured similar changes. Children can do it pretty rough. If you need advice, I offer 'life coaching', which is honestly just advice - all from a kid's / young adult's perspective. With a breakdown of your individual situation, I can advise you on a recommended plan of attack, to assist your kids make as easy-as-possible a transition, for a better future. Because quite frankly, divorce can be crap + I could have had some advice like this in hindsight. Enquiries welcome. E - rikkiknowsthis@gmail.com

Read more: http://www.supportgroups.com/users/rikkiknowsthis#ixzz4DXXFpr00

P.S. I'm not all fluffy like most psychologists. I will give you real-life strategies. I get it.