Womans Divorce Forum

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On a rollercoaster

I have been with my husband for alittle over ten years and have been married for three. We have to children. I left him in September because he was cheating and domesticly abusive. I was able to leave because of my children. They helped by telling a teacher at school. With legal advice I obtained a restraining order and this was for all of us. Through many court hearings I am tempory legal custodian of the children. We had our first divorce hearing last month and we were able to talk for the first time in eight months. It brought back so many confusing emotions. We have been talking since and the promises are there but so are the red flags. I still signed the divorce papers and I dont know if he did or not. I thought I was working through the stages of divorce but with all the talk from him it feels like my band aide got ripped off and I am more confused then ever. I still love him of course but not how he was. He has been going to counsling actually three different types. He was put on medication and has to do several different classes. I see a small amount of change but he moved the woman he cheated on me with in the home and still presist on saying he loves me. I just dont understand how when he was so quick to move on before I even left. I have noone to talk to and am very overwhelmed with a lot of different emotions.