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So confused whether to separate or not

Hello i have been with my partner for 6 years, we were engaged, have two young children and a mortgage together.
Our relationship has always had issues, i find that he is too selfish to look past himself to ever offer me help and support. He had a difficult upbringing and often treats me like I'm like his mum (which he refers to as a crazy alcoholic). Whenever i try to let him know I'm struggling with lack of sleep etc or feeling unloved he always turns it around that he feels the same and i need to see his perspective on things but he never seems to see mine.
I am now living at my parents with the 2 kids and he stayed in our home which both our names are on the mortgage but he seems to think he has more right to the house.
Arguments can get nasty and he can be quite threatening, he has agreed to see a relationship councellor and is now saying he will nake changes by trying to help more with house and kids but part of me cannot accept his words as i have heard them all before.
I am hoping he will enter the councelling session open minded but part of me feels that he will just look to put blame and not move forward. I really wish for the family life and want my kids to be save and secure but am scared he will not change for that to happen. Just feeling really lost and confused


hello everyone my name kauthar
mutumwinka am from kampala
ugnada,i want to thank prophet
james for bringing my husband
back to me because after 7years of
marraige my husband decided not
to show me love and care for me
and my kids i never knew he has
another lady outside he was dating
and never wanted to come home
but only during the weekend.he
never call me and ask after our
daughters and i love him so much
that i beg him to forgive me in
whatever way i have offend him but
he always say i did nothing but he
does not want me again and within
myself i know this is not my
husband and i have a friend in
kampala which i do discuss with
about my present situation.untill
one day she told me not to worry
that there is a prophet she knows
that help his cousin to get a job in
rwanda,that she belive he can help
me bring my husband back home.i
was anxious and ready to do
anything to bring my husband back
to me,she gave me prophet james
email address i went online and
explain everything to the prophet
and all he said his i should not worry
that my husband is going to come
back home but i still doubt the
prophet because time was and days
pass by.but not soon i expected i
came home and saw my husband
car packed i knew it was him i
quickly went inside to be sure if
really it was him,so i did it was my
husband he went down on his
knees and start to beg me that he
was sorry i cry and i was also happy
that was how i forgive him and
today we are living happily like we
use to...i went back online and told
the prophet he is back and thank
him for bringing my husband.if you
need his help too prophetjamestem