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Divorce-My husband wont leave

I have started divorce proceedings against my husband and he has refused to acknowledge all letters from the solicitors and court so at the moment I have to pay for bailiffs to issue the letter to him. He will when he feels like it communicate with me when the subject is about our son. He belittles me by ignoring me infront of others, does not contribute to any bills or mortgage and he refuses to leave. This is affecting me and my sons behaviour and studies. I dont earn much and am really struggling to make ends meet and support my son. What advise can you give me

Re: Divorce-My husband wont leave

Siobhan: This is all due to his not wanting to be out some money. My daughter and I learned not to depend upon my ex for anything, but, I hope, if the law catches up with him, he will at least be working and paying child support to you to help with your income/support of your child's needs. It is good to try and save money at this time by doing things such as shopping at thrift shops. When this all reaches court, his ways, hopefully, will end.

Re: Divorce-My husband wont leave

I recently asked him to leave. His reply was 'no, hes not going anywhere, I'm a liar, fraud and hes not going until he get his 10 years'. He feels that me being a childminder for 10 years I never worked and lived off him so he is now now living off me. This is his reason why he has stopped paying bills and mortgage. I have all my evidence of my earning and paying my tax. I am mentally drained but my children/grandchildren give me strength. What can I do to get him out of the house.

Re: Divorce-My husband wont leave

Both Lawyers (solicitors) asked my ex to leave. He had shoved me in the past. Tell the solicitors he is verbally and financially abusing you. Since there is a mortgage on your home he is not paying, then all of you will have to leave as you know. Is there help available where you live for women and children who are being victimized like there is here in the States? Welfare? Job training? Government Housing? Food pantries for people without money? The Judge is not going to be amused when all of this goes to court. He sounds very bitter.