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ex moving to another state he is custodial parent

My ex and I have been divorced snice 2010 he is the custodial parent because I did not attend our divorce hearing since then he has moved 4 different times changing my daughters school every time and is wanting to move again only this time out of state I get my daughter regulary every time I'm supposed and whenever he will let me she had stated several times skee had rather be with me what should I do

Re: ex moving to another state he is custodial parent

That's a tough one. Don't know how your divorce decree was worded but every one I have seen allows the non-custodial parent to object to moving a child away. You also don't say how stable your housing situation is. Have you lived in the same place since the divorce? Maybe you can ask for a change in custody if you can prove you can provide a more stable home life then your ex.