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Affair and long distance parenting. .please help

Long story short. My ex had an affair and left for ow. They moved 15 min away. Custody of dd,who was 5 at the time was wed and Friday evening. All day Sunday. Rarely came on wed or Friday. No over nights. Was always late for pick up. Last year he moved to s carolina. .9 hours away. We were just doing our own thing as far as visitation but dd hated going with them. She is now 10. He served me with papers saying he wants to start over nights here in my state, staying at relatives of the ow. Then take her to s carolling for a week in the summer. I am ok to start with baby steps because she only sees him a few times a year and has never spent the night with them. Not crazy about my attorney. I know he could get a lot of time since I have her all year but will they just throw her into that schedule? I'm upset for her. This whole thing has been so emotionally upsetting to her and she was finally doing so good when he moved away. Does anyone know a fair visitation schedule I could propose? Anyone have thoughts? Please help!

Re: Affair and long distance parenting. .please help

I would get your daughter into counseling if you have insurance to cover it or see if the school counselor can see her in the fall. If the situation makes sense, I would see about switching to a Family Lawyer. Most visitation schedules are the following: one night a week for supper and every other weekend. Also, some posters kids go for extended stays when school is not in session and alternate holidays with the kids. Hope this helps.