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Please Help!

Hey all. My husband filed for a divorce after 35 years of marriage. It was finalized in June. I was told by a lawyer briefly on the phone that my husband would have to pay me spousal support according to however many years we were married. The longer we were married would determine however many years he would have to pay me spousal support. We had our court date and the judge said nothing about spousal support at all! In fact he didn't even give us the opportunity to ask questions. My ex husband had agreed to pay me spousal support for 2 years. He however is under no legal obligation to do so. I live in Washington State. I can't afford an attorney. I have basically very little job skills, no job training, no schooling. I chose to stay at home and raise my boys. This is where he left me. I'm concerned that my ex may decide not to pay me monthly spousal support. Can someone please help me, navigate me in the right direction. Thank You

Re: Please Help!

Becky: I was married for 21 years and got limited spousal support because I could only work part time and was injured (have since gotten into a modest inheritance). Research the spousal support laws on line. Many States have limited/eliminated spousal support except in extreme circumstances (like mine) or have just temporary support orders in place until the spouse gets back on her feet (or his). My friend's husband did not have to give her any spousal support because he was an older, retired man. I also stayed home for half the marriage working only very part time. I would visit your local unemployment office to see about job training. Many ladies are trained to shop and/or take care of the elderly in their homes or to work in medical offices. My mom's cleaning lady's husband abandoned her and she babysat and cleaned houses to survive. Hopefully your ex will do the right thing and give you at least some money to help you out, mine did.

Re: Please Help!

I also live in Washington State. Was married for 19 years and my ex had to pay $500 a month in alimony (spousal support) for 4 years even though I had a 37 hour a week job. Spousal support could not be reduced during that time. Your getting screwed here. Find someway to get a lawyers help. Can a family member or friend help with Lawyer fees? Can you find a Lawyer who will take payments. I wish you the best of luck.