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Custody Chaos

When my son was a year old his dad and I split up, we went to mediation and very easily agreed on custody arrangements at the meeting so our case didn't have to go to court. A few weeks before my son's second birthday I moved to a different county 2 and a half hours away. My son's father and I agreed on new, but still fairly similar arrangements for our custody agreement on our own so we never went back to mediation for the changes. The arrangements we made have worked out fine for these last 3 years only now our son is going to be starting school. Earlier in the year we modified our agreement together and decided our son would live with me full time and attend school in the county I live in and his dad would get him every other holiday and summers. As the first day if school has been getting closer I've become worried our new agreement isn't going to work cause my son's dad has been arguing with me about who gets him when and trying to change things up. But since we never went back to mediation for our agreement changes back when I moved, I need to know how I would go about taking legal actions to have my son during the school year and in which county would I have to file for said custody changes?

Re: Custody Chaos

Please contact a Family Lawyer with these questions. Best wishes to you.

Re: Custody Chaos

You need a Lawyer at this point to tie all visitation times up legally. Having legal visitation will save you a lot of heartache in the future.