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Divorcing a certified BPD (Narcissist)

I am looking for support and advice on my pending court trial for my divorce. If anyone has divorced a BPD Narcissist HELP!!! It is difficult to predict what crazy lies he will be using as evidence to the judge. We have nothing of real value except for the house we bought years ago. His first lie to his attorney was that he owned it prior to our marriage, then changed his mind when my attorney presented the mortgage papers. The next lie was that I stole $40,000 from him and I had to prove him wrong there too. As you know a narcissist is unpredictable, changes his mind and believes his lies. I have already spent $10,000 in attorney fees, which are not being paid because I cannot afford it and the fees will most likely reach $15,000...I don't know who to turn to for help to get this crazy man out of my life and still live day by day on the money I make at my 2 jobs. Once the house is sold, if the judge rules that it should be divided equally, it will be turned over to my attorney....HELP

Re: Divorcing a certified BPD (Narcissist)

Cheryl: I dated a bipolar man after my divorce and my cousin and grandpa have/had it. It sounds like your husband is not on any meds. Make sure the Attorney and Judge know about the BPD. You will get money back you have spent on legal fees when the home is sold. If you have no minor kids together, I recommend you sever ties with him if he fails to get help/meds. Remember, every call, e-mail, text, court time and phone call to your Lawyer you will be charged for so make sure contact is urgent and let them call you. My ex bf lied a lot, too, and had money issues. Their unpredictability is part of the disorder. Make sure you cancel all joint credit cards, joint accounts, joint lines of credit, etc., so he cannot abuse them. A Lawyer would tell you to do this. My heart goes out to you.