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I am beginning to realize I need to fight

My husband left me for another woman after 17 years and four boys. During the marriage I was diagnosed with a mental illness but he had no problem getting me pregnant another 3 times! Now he has taken all our children to another state and left me with nothing but SSI. I cannot afford to go live near my children or visit them. It has been almost a year since i have seen them 17, 15, 4, 2. Our sons need counseling and he has not taken them one time in almost 2 years of this divorce. He destroyed my car and then made me give him the car his mother had given me for the kids. I am forced to live with my mother in a rural area where I cannot go anywhere with out asking her help. I am a smart and beautiful woman. I am an artist and I have been forced to give up my business and my education to satisfy his dreams. He has always been underemployed. we fought about it many times. he gave up a full ride to an ivy league school becaus ehe wanted to party, he gave up a 7 figure job oppurtunity to make 24,000 at the local water plant. I have always caved to him because he is so smart and knows all of my weaknesses but I am beginning to feel like I need to fight for my rights and my children. I have no money to hire an attorney. I feel like he should pay alimony so that I can at least live near my children and be able to start my business and education again. I am 37 I was with him since 18 years old. I went form living with my parents to married to him. I was mostly a SAHM. He has talked down to me so much to my teenagers that they think I am worthless. they tell me that constantly. I am heartbroken and mad! Where do I start?

Re: I am beginning to realize I need to fight

Nicole: What you are experiencing with the kids is called "parental alienation" (ex or soon to be ex turning the kids away from ex spouse). You should be able to get alimony if he can afford it and there is not a huge difference in your ages (he's older and retired and/or sick). I would go to your nearest women's services center or call the nearest Bar Association to see if there is free legal help available, otherwise, the Judge decides. Also, research the alimony/divorce laws in your State on line.