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My husband left me for another woman he started a divorce but never finished he said that we can stay married but we are not together. He tells me that he still loves me and he always will he flirts with me he says I am his best friend. And when I say that I am moving out of town or he thinks that I am with another man he gets crazy mad and he says that he doesn't want me to move and he forbids that I move. But sometime he is so mean and hurtful to me. I just don't want to feel like this anymore but I don't even know which way to go to pick up the pieces and move on we have been married for 21yeats and together for 23 years I can not just let him go. How do I move on

Re: Lost

Is he still with her? Mine says and does the same.

Re: Lost

He is playing games with you and controlling you. You will have to make a decision on if you want to live this way. Sadly, he doesn't love you. People who love you don't treat you with such disrespect,

Make an appointment with an attorney (first visit usually free) and see where you stand.

You will live in limbo, if you continue with him. He wants his cake and to eat it too. He wants to be free to be with another woman (women) and keep you on the side.