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Burden Of Proof

My former husband is about to released from a superior court case against him that included charges of multiple counts of filing false financial statements, criminal harassment, felony larceny, forgery, witness intimidation, securities fraud, money laundering, identity fraud, and perjury. He’s a con artist. It took awhile to find him because he fled the state and was living with his longtime girlfriend in another state. Once found he was extradited back to his home state, bail was set and he stayed in county jail for 8 months awaiting trial. Two months later, the girlfriend was arrested and charged for her role in his crime.

The is a man who states he’s totally broke, yet he retained a semi-famous attorney for $25,000.00. He also came up with $75,000.00 to pay his victims restitution, but there were stipulations, all charges against the girlfriend were to be dropped and he asked for probation only. The judge bought it. I was often asked if he had assets and how he handles his funds. I told the DA to stop his search because he only deals in cash and I assured the DA he would never find his money. No one loaned him $100,000.00, it was the some of the money he stole.

He now owes $40,000 in back child support and there’s no doubt that he will tell the family court judge that he’s been in jail and has no money. While the DA prepared his case, that will never happen, one key document was found. 1.) The girlfriend had a bank account and gave my former husband permission to write checks against the account. 2.) My former husband and his girlfriend opened a restaurant (I knew about these two documents). When I learned about it, I notified CSE and they sent out a wage garnishment form. The girlfriend sent it back stating he no longer worked there. A good friend walked past the restaurant and saw him in the restaurant working. I notified CSE and they sent out a wage garnishment form. The girlfriend sent it back stating he no longer worked there. It can now be proved that my former husband was “employed” the whole time the restaurant was opened, and he was using an alias. It also means the girlfriend perjured herself by signing a state document to protect him.

I understand that CSE is not a private investigating firm, so I have to build the case for them, but before I waste their time, is the sudden appearance of $100,000.00, the bank statement with his name on it and the two wage garnishment forms where the girlfriend perjured herself to protect him and that he’s in contempt of court for not paying child support, enough to make a judge take action, even though he will stand before a judge and say I have to money?

Re: Burden Of Proof

Jenny: It seems like he's trying very hard to avoid paying child support by quitting his job, disappearing, etc. Someone like this who has been in jail and come into some money, possibly by doing something illegal since it is such a large amount, I would not be involved with, i.e., you cannot depend upon someone for child support who will probably be in and out of jail. If the law catches up with him and garnishes him, that seems like the best way, but, in the meantime, shop at thrift shops for what your child needs if money is tight for you and visit your local food pantry or discount supermarket/wholesale food place.