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Separated - now he's lost his job!

Things are so sad right now. Soon to be ex has destroyed our finances. After almost 30 years of marriage, hard work, and even working 2 jobs in a wheelchair now that I'm paralyzed, there is not enough money to live in separate households. I have been so depressed I had to see a counselor. It helped, but he just told me two days ago that he's been fired, after 18 years on the job. I am on disability and teach online, but there's not enough money so I'm stuck with this idiot who can't do anything right. I'm so furious at this guy. He just doesn't seem to care about anything. He's the type to bury his head in the sand every time there's a problem. We're in mountains of debt and here he is, making things worse than ever! I want to feel sorry for him, but he's screwed up everything at home so I feel like he's probably done that at work too and deserved to be fired. I'm stuck with this screw up because I can't afford to get rid of him. How can I get away? I can't express how much I hate having to live with this jerk(him upstairs and me down - sharing the one college kid still living at home during school).

Re: Separated - now he's lost his job!

Mandy: I would apply for Public Housing in your area. There is usually a waiting list so you could continue to live where you are while your child is in college and be there for them. I would recommend not conversing with your soon to be ex too much in order to keep the peace. My ex also ran up large debt. A Lawyer would tell you to get your own credit card and cancel and joint cards/bank accounts/lines of credit, etc.