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How far is too far

My ex already lives two hours away. He is moving 4.5 hours away because he wants to not because he has to. The 2 hour drive already is really hard on my kids. My kids were all so sick last year. He wants to keep his every other weekend possession. I want to get along and be amicable but he refuses aND is dead set on his time. How far is too far before monthly visitation should be a fair and honest request.

Re: How far is too far

Rebecca: I would recommend a consultation with a Family Lawyer.

Re: How far is too far

Can you please provide the terms of the visitation? Pick up day and time, drop off day and time. Thanks

Re: How far is too far

Monthly visits are never fair and honest. (Every other weekend is unfair, for that matter.) Figure out how to make the car ride enjoyable (books, games, songs, DVD's, I Spy, whatever). They need to have a healthy relationship with BOTH parents and you need to take responsibility for making their relationship with their father a positive one for their sake. And that includes making the travel time to and from positive. Quit using your children as pawns to punish your ex. Are you saying the drive CAUSED your kids to get sick? Either that's baloney or someone has an unhealthy car and maybe it needs to get checked for mold or carbon monoxide.