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Re: Recently divorced

Hi Tina! It's so good to have others to talk with and read their thoughts and suggestions. Thanks!

Re: Recently divorced

My divorce was final on March 2, 2015 and I was married for 25 years and had the same thoughts as you. I worked really hard for many years to hold my marriage together until I looked up and I saw I was fighting a battle alone. I wonder still why he didn't fight for me. That thought enters my head less as time moves on. I wanted time to speed up so I would not be in so much pain but I'm sad to say only the passage of time is going to help. It's been a year and a half since my divorce and I still have days I am sad about the way my marriage ended(I feel I should have been treated with respect) but I'm not sad that it did end. I was still living at home when I got married so I never lived on my own until now. I am loving living alone surrounded by things that I love. I took no reminders of my married and that has helped me. You will start to feel better and see less and less sad days. I journal my thoughts, maybe journaling can be helpful to you too.