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I was awarded our home, but mortgage is in his name!

My husband and I have agreed to an uncontested divorce. The final judgement states that I will take full ownership of our home, but I don't like that the mortgage is still in his name. The attorney is making him sign a owner finance agreement.
Now the even bigger problem is while we were separated he and I both moved out so he moved renters in. Their lease isn't up for at least a few more months and I am taking ownership on October 1st 2016. They have been late several months during their lease and also have not kept our swimming pool up as agreed. What do I need to do to get them out? My ex husband has left me broke and with no car or place to live other than our house! Do I have to evict them or is their lease even legally binding since we were still married when he let them move in?

Re: I was awarded our home, but mortgage is in his name!

File a motion in housing court. Do you have the lease? Are there any "Unconditional Quit Notices" stated in the lease?

They order one to vacate the premises with no chance to pay the rent or correct a lease or rental agreement violation. In most states, unconditional quit notices are allowed only if you have:
1.) repeatedly violated a significant lease or rental agreement clause
been late with the rent on more than one occasion
2.) seriously damaged the premises, or
3.) engaged in serious illegal activity, such as drug dealing on the premises.

If that doesn't work, try,

A 30-Day Notice to Vacate or a 60-Day Notice to Vacate to terminate a tenancy can be used in most states when the landlord does not have a reason to end the tenancy. (The length of the required notice can be slightly longer or shorter in some states.)

Remember these people are living in your house, and renters can do some damage. So be careful, not to **** them off.