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Question about temporary hearing

Has anyone else had experience on visitations regarding the father that doesn't want to see his children but his mother does? In my state visitations are not set for grandma but rather the father only but his mom has allowed him to live with her (since he hasn't had a job this entire year he chooses to look at porn all day and play video games he's not one time paid ,his child support his mama writes me a check every week) and she has put me thru two temporary hearings and trying for a third one so she can see my children. The problem is she's addicted to prescription pain meds and alcohol and she isn't afraid of going out in public high and drunk. My childrens ages are 3 & 1.5 years old. The divorce won't be final till March 2017 but if this upcoming hearing doesn't go in her favor I'm afraid a fourth temporary hearing will be called. Any advice?