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Husband cheated with a man

First off i am a female my husband of 25 years has cheated on me with several men and i have found numerous craigslist emails etc grindr account on his phone and ipad. he has denied a lot but each day more and more keeps coming out. I have provided for my family financially throughout the whole marriage he has not worked more than a few months total in the 25 years not due to he cant he just didn't have to and chose not to. i have 3 kids all over 18 so there is no custody issue they have chosen not to see him. I just found out this information a few days ago and i am trying to see what would the outcome be and what to do next.

Re: Husband cheated with a man

To spend 25 years raising your kids and taking care of a lazy a** man is a definition of what a strong woman you are. He is a fool and you don't deserve to be with a man who doesn't understand how to appreciate a woman that puts everything into her marriage. I was married to a woman who was actually in love with another woman.
you can email me if you need to talk to someone sometimes.
Take care Martha.

Re: Husband cheated with a man

What to do next...respect yourself.......It is time to take care of yourself. This is traumatic; perhaps a therapist would be a good idea, and contacting an attorney.....to begin with.

This wasn't a husband...but a leech....what a terrible betrayal
