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Need advise!!

Hello I am recently going through a divorce. My husband and I have been separated for 4 years and we have 1 child together we both have lawyers we live in different states I filed and served him first he file after me and I still have not been served my court date comes up next month and we live in different states. The last visit I allowed him to take our child for the weekend and he didn't bring her back has anyone else experienced anything like this before? I'm trusting God has already worked the situation out in my case but was wondering if anyone had a similar story with an outcome yet.

Re: Need advise!!

It's a good thought to get legal help before you finalize your decision. Premier can help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities before you make your decision final.


Re: Need advise!!

Lissa: So sorry about this! Sounds like kidnapping in a way. He probably wants her to avoid paying child support. Do you have a Lawyer? See if you can get a consultation with a Family Lawyer. Sometimes the first visit is free, if not, tell the Judge. He may also have taken her because he wants to hurt you emotionally or he/his family want her near them and at a certain school where he/they are.