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Moving to the Neighboring County - Relocating

My ex-husband and I have been divorced for almost 4 years now. I have primary physical custody of our two children (ages 5 and 6) and we share legal custody. We are both remarried now. We live in the same city/county within 7 miles from each other. My husband and I have found a house in the neighboring city/county (which is about 22 miles from where we live in now) that we would like to purchase. We currently are renting and are ready to become homeowners. The agreed upon parenting plan that my ex-husband and I have does not mention anything about relocation. It only mentions that both parties are required to give each other 60 days notice if there is a change in address. The move will not affect his visitation time, the children will continue to attend the same school, and the location of the new home will allow me to be closer to work and also allows me to pick my children up from the bus stop, rather than pay a babysitter to pick them up. I don't think that he has a legitimate reason to protest this, but I expect him to try and cause trouble for me when I tell him that we are moving. Any advice?

Re: Moving to the Neighboring County - Relocating

Mags: Follow what is in the agreement and if he gives you trouble, call a Family Lawyer in your State.