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Still Hurting

I apologize if this has been "done to death" on this forum. My divorce was final in July 2016. My ex is dating again. I'm crying everyday and pretty much feel like, though I wouldn't drive into one, if a bridge abutment jumped out in front of my car and killed me, I wouldn't mind. I'm taking anti-depressants and starting a divorce support group. Why can't I move on? I know it takes different people different times, but is something wrong with me? He's fine, like our 23 year marriage was nothing. He had multiple affairs while living in another state, supposedly waiting on us to join him at the end of the school year. I still feel like I'm dying every day. Someone please help.

Re: Still Hurting

Dear susan hello. Yours is the first post ive read. Im sorry you are hurting

Re: Still Hurting

I would suggest getting counseling; continue with your group and doing things that make you feel good. Unfortunately, there is no time frame for grieving...and no answers why people are/or do what they do, such as your ex.

Be kind and gentle with yourself.

You will "move on" when you are ready to. I got a divorce after 31 years of abuse; the x immediately found a girlfriend. If your x had affairs, etc......he obviously has no conscience and can move on without any guilt. Why? No one has that answer. You need to focus on yourself and not him (easier said than done)..try to stay busy; keep a journal....write about all of your feelings.

I like the term, "restorative justice"--Restorative justice says...this is what you did, this is how it made me feel. The letter is for you; I think it is empowering


Re: Still Hurting

I was married for 17 years and am going through a similar situation as you. It is not finalized yet and he has already posted a video of him and his new girlfriend making out. Impressive huh. I loved him with all of me and I gave all of me. I don't even know who I am without that life. We have only been separated 5 months but I say handle it how you feel necessary. If you want to cry, scream or do nothing then so be it. Get through it anyway you can. There is no right or wrong way. Although some people might say so. They are usually the ones who have never been there. I am still crying and trying to pick up the pieces while he has moved on. It is so sad to me that someone could throw away such a big piece of a life as if it was nothing. I just keep praying and taking it day by day and telling myself that I AM IMPORTANT. We will get there someday and I know there is a reason we are going through this. I wish you the best and know that GOD loves you.