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Child terrified of staying with father. Advice needed ASAP

My girlfriend just got her divorce finalized and courts decision was to have her son live with his father for the entire school year and she has custody rights for the remainder of the year.
Her son has made it known to me he is afraid to live with his father and has stated his father used to neglect and abuse him physically and emotionally. He has stated numerous times he doesnt want to go. He states he is scared and afraid and constantly cries and requests to stay with his mother and myself. He has stated to his mother he feels safe here because I'm protective of him and my girlfriend and my home. My girlfriends ex constantly states very derogative comments to my girl and its scaring her son. Is this grounds for an appeal regarding the childs safety at hand? Frim my girlfriends word she stated there has been mutliple past police reports filed and not once was CPS notified so there is no record there. I'm assuming law enforcement are supposed to be mandated reporters but apparently not in Colorado. We live in minnesota. As the primary person in the lease i refuse to give my address out for safety reason pertaining to myself and my girlfriend and her son. Would it be a wise choice to brung the paperwork with the courts decision and let her son explain his fears to a CPS worker and why he is afraid to live with his father? I grew up in an abusive household and I'm desperately trying to help these two. Please help ASAP

Re: Child terrified of staying with father. Advice needed ASAP

Steven: I would tell the mom to get the son into counseling when he is with you both if you have insurance to cover it or to pastoral counseling if you are members of a church. Also, a consultation with a Family Lawyer is needed ASAP. Sometimes the first visit is free.