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The car is turning into a nightmare

So before I was married I had a car, bought and paid for by my parents as a gift when I was just starting out driving. When I got married my husband immediately started pressuring me and complaining, and generally acted like a small child to get me to sell my car and buy a car that would fit his size better. After months of this pressure to sell happened. In my attempt to keep our marriage from sinking like the rock it was. I finally said I would. He put the 'new'(used but new) car under my name because it was from my pre-marriage car's sale. So not his money.

Fast forward, I get sick of the abuse (mental and physical, some how he believed that being married gave him permission to abuse me) and finally tell him I want a divorce. He tells me I can keep the car because I paid for it and files the papers as such. A few weeks later he asked to buy the car from me for the amount I sold my car for. I agreed and he paid the first payment. Then I never saw a dime from him after, it's been 3 months.

My mother at this point has gotten involved, because he shows me zero respect and is actively ignoring my calls and texts about the payments. She's **** near god to him so he always answers her calls and texts. She has told him that he needs to pay for the car or return it, neither has happened yet. While I'm okay with returning his money if he just gives me back the car (Because I just want the car back at this point), my mother told him that if she has her way he won't get that money he paid me already back (it's under 300 dollars). Because he's essentially renting the car from me at this point.

He does not at this time have any financial responsibility for the car except gas. All repairs have been paid by my parents, insurance has been paid by them on good faith (He's in school and working a pretty low income part time job and they're generally good people.)

Anyways so now the part that ****** me off. he's essentially placed me in this position of either I wait for him to decide I'm allowed to have payments for my car. Or he can just have the courts give him the car since he needs it for work.

Either way, I came into the marriage with a car and he's leaving with it.