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Re: Still loving the ex

The only thing I can suggest is remind yourself why you left. You had to have had a pretty good reason right? Even if you still love him, if he's not a good person to you, then you certainly shouldn't allow yourself to fall into a need to be with him. It could end up dangerous for you.

Re: Still loving the ex

now dont think there is anything wrong with u - took me 15 years to get over a 10 year relationship! heard a song on Willies Roadhouse from a man who sang that it was 15 years and he still suffered so i had to wonder if this sentiment really rang true for the writer

first of all do u think there is any chance of reconciliation? if u think there could be perhaps u should get together and talk with your ex in my case it was not my choice to end the relationship so no hope there perhaps whatever the issue it can be dealt with (?)

Re: Still loving the ex

I understand and empathize with your feelings. I discovered my husband has been involved with another woman "the love of his life" for the past couple years. We have been married 34 years. He came home every night to me, but had a pretty flexible work schedule so I never knew really where he was. It had been several years since we were intimate. I blamed it on medication, too much wine, etc. There are so many memories (I have been with him since High School) that I just can't get over him. Even with the deceit, the false attempts at "reconciliation" and lastly trying to take advantage of me financially in the dissolution/divorce settlement, I still would give anything to have him back.

Re: Still Hello how are you doing Dear ? May I get to know you ? Thanks loving the ex

Hello how are you doing Dear Jen ? May I get to know you ? Thanks

Re: Still loving the ex

I am so sorry you are struggling. Can you help us out by letting us know why you left? Did you give him the opportunity to own his issues and make changes? I know we usually get married because there is something unique in our relationship. Are the reasons you married him still there? Maybe it is not down deep what you really want - divorce? Your heart is telling you something different. I know it is probably way more complicated than I can even imagine. Hugs!

Re: Still loving the ex

Hello how are you doing Dear Lisa ? May I get to know you ? Thanks