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Feeling lonely and just looking for some girl talk

Hi....I'm Sarah. I am recently divorced after 16 years and have had one of the worst years of my life thus far. Not only am I newly divorced and devastated, I also lost my father at the same time, am now taking care of my mentally handicapped sister, and am now in between jobs. I know this all takes time to get over such a stressful time, but I need to get myself together and find a way to move on.

E-mail me at sarah3781@gmail.com

Re: Feeling lonely and just looking for some girl talk

Hi Sara,
Sorry for your situation and the loss of your father during such a difficult time. I am currently going through a divorce after 17 years. It is the hardest thing to go through. I feel like I got so much advice and things thrown at me that I am numb. We have been separated 5 months and he already has a girlfriend. The papers are not even final yet. Impressive huh... I am learning everyday to get through this. Tackle each day and only focus on what needs to be taken care of on that day. Tell your self everyday "I am smart, I am kind and I AM IMPORTANT". My crying goes in waves and it is hard to get used to at night when you are alone and by yourself. I just hang on the hope that GOD has a reason for this and that my future will be bright. Just remember GOD loves you!!!!