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Need some advice

I wonder what to do if a spouse becomes too demanding with house chores, duties, doesn't settle for less, abuses about it, condemns and keeps the house in a negative environment all the time. I have a daughter 4 yr old it's hard to keep on listening his tantrums evryday . AM TIRED LISTENING AND ARGUING. WHAT'S THE WAY OUT?

Re: Need some advice

Sonal: It is hard to keep a clean house with a four year old. I used to clean after our daughter went to bed every night. If your husband is throwing tantrums a lot, there may be more going on like drinking, drugging, exhaustion or mental illness. Do you have family and/or friends to help with cleaning or can you hire a cleaning lady? Also, weed out toys and clothes your child doesn't use anymore and donate them and go through your own stuff you don't use anymore. If you want a divorce, I would suggest going to a Family Lawyer for a consultation. Sometimes the first visit is free. You could also call the domestic abuse hotline for help, but call when you are not with him. He may have had a mom who was a spotless type.