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Hi everyone. I am new here. My husband of 7 years is deciding to call it quits. We have had many arguments over the years that have led him to be emotionally disconnected from me. I am still very emotionally invested in our marriage, and would love for it work out . . . even though on Friday I found out he was talking to another girl. It was all just talk, nothing physical happened but I'm just so confused. I have a 9 year old daughter from a previous relationship, and my husband has been raising her since she was 1. We just had a daughter together in April, and now it just seems like my world is falling apart. I finally went back to school, at 28, and now I can't even focus on what I need to do for that. I'm trying to stay strong and just let him move on, but so much of me doesn't want to let go. I'm completely lost.

Re: Advice

Justine, So sorry for your situation. He can't really ever move on since you have a child together. He may think things will be better with someone else. They won't. It takes two to hurt a marriage. Don't make things to easy for him. He needs to pull his weight in parenting. He needs to realize he still is responsible to you and your child together. Is he still living with you? Just try and stay strong and don't beg or plead. Let him wonder a little about what you are up to. Don't start arguments with him. This is now business not love. Maybe if the full force of how hard it is to break up a family and support to households hits him he may have a change of heart. Be civil but stand up for your's and your child's rights. I am hoping you can gather the strength to survive this. You are in my thoughts.

Re: Advice

Hi, I am actually calling it quits after 14 yrs of relationship and 10 of those years being married. In my relationship we have both hurt each other and although I love him and am very much in-love with him, I cannot be selfish. Our relationship doesn't work! We have to kids a 9 year old and a 1 year old and it kills me that I will be raising my kids alone but I have to continue to be strong- What keeps me going is knowing that I have to make the right decision for my kids. I want my Boys to know that a relationship is two people helping each other working towards a common goal with equal responsibilities in the home and outside of the home. I want them to see us happy not miserable together. Hope it helps

Re: Advice

If he really wants out NOTHING you do will convince him to stay. You can ask if he would try counseling as you would like to save the marriage if possible. But do not beg. Don't let your love or fear keep you from protecting yourself financially. Get legal advice and be prepared to fight if necessary. Get a few family members and/or friends for support but don't tell everyone you see your story (like I did!). I hate how pathetic I was (2007). If you pray now is the time to do it hard. Keep on with your education plan; you may get spousal support in addition to child support at least till you are done. Try to be strong for your kids and just keep putting one foot in front of the other. It is painful, but you can do this...

Re: Advice

I am currently going through a divorce and am waiting on it to be finalized. We were married 17 years. I feel that if he is already talking to someone else that you should move forward. Take everything day by day. Tell yourself everyday "I am smart, I am kind and I AM IMPORTANT". Get encouragement and advice anywhere you can it helps. I continue to post to this site as it helps me get it out and see other women going through similar situations. Also know that GOD has a plan for you, even if you don't see it right now. Best of luck to you.