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Re: Can my ex refuse to sign divorce papers because he demands where my daughter attends pre-school

Mallory: Your husband sounds very controlling. Lots of soon-to-be ex spouses play games like this and especially try various ways to try and avoid paying child support/other. If the child support and insurance have been court ordered like you say which means a Judge okayed them/order has been approved in court by a Judge already, then he is in violation of a court order and you need to find a Lawyer (preferably a Family Lawyer or whoever you have now if you have one) and this needs to go back to court along with the private school issue. Child Support/ability to provide insurance is based on the person's income/ability to pay. Public School is free as we all know to her in the future. Sounds like he is just trying to get out of his legal obligations to the child. If you cannot afford a Lawyer, tell it to a Judge what you have told us and/or call your nearest Bar Association to see if there is anyone offering free legal help/a question answering session.

Re: Can my ex refuse to sign divorce papers because he demands where my daughter attends pre-school

It sounds like no judge has ruled and you are still in negotiations.

Your husband (you aren't divorced yet), is under no obligation to agree to your terms. So, yes, he can refuse to sign. He cannot refuse to pay child support if the judge has ordered it.

If you cannot agree on this matter, it will go to trial and the judge will make the decision. It then does not matter whether you or he signs the papers.