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Re: Soon to be Divorced and Alimony

Alimony is very dependent upon your state laws.

If you were a stay at home mom, you would typically get alimony for a period to allow you to establish a career. If you have been working throughout the marriage, alimony is much less likely.
Just because he makes more money does not automatically trigger alimony.

Re: Soon to be Divorced and Alimony

Angela: My ex also filed for divorce in 2008 (long story). I was in my late 40s, he was older. I was a stay-at-home mom for half the marriage, injured my back and was only able to work just a few hours a week and we were married for 21 years. Alimony is based, in my State, MA, on length of marriage, age/condition of spouses and employability. I was getting $11K of his $60K salary which was tax deductible on his end, but taxed on my end. My alimony was cut by a little because he was paying our daughter's health insurance, and, under Obamacare, he could (she was under 26 at the time and working at temp. jobs). Research the alimony laws on line in your State. Most alimony is of a restorative nature for younger, healthy/able to work women in shorter marriages (I was married for 21 years. About every 1 1/2 years, he took me back to court for a reduction in alimony (modification). He wanted to buy a house. Each time I had to pay my Lawyer $1,200 to defend myself. I had to re-release my budget each time (which also determines how much alimony you get, along with the paying spouse's income) which was a lot of work (weekly budget). His Lawyer, if he has one, will expect you to go back to work if you are able and will push for that.