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Please help! he wants my money!

Hello everyone! I dont know what to anymore and am seeking help anywhere I can. I came to thiscountry just over 3 years ago and got married to a guy who brought me here. But after some time together, our marriage turned out to be not what I thought it was, he was constantly playing video games, we were fighting A LOT, he didnt provide for me, it was always 50/50 pretty much for everything. And eventually we got into big fight and he told me to leave our apartment, get my stuff and then broke up with me over the phone. Its been over a year ago. He told me to leave and I left and never looked back. But now he wont give me divorce, he wants half of my savings account which is not even tht big money but its rediculous! Its my money, I saved little bit over 2 years! and because of the law he is entiteled to it. But how come nothing can protect my rights? he only wants it because he can. Because he didnt provide for me while married, he didnt buy me anything, we dot have kids/house even shared furniture was split 50/50!
I am unemployed now and live off that savings, he wants 10k just to sign papers not even knowing how much money there is in my bank account! No lawyers can protect my miserable savings and how come there is nothing I can do to divorce person who puts me through misery like that?
Please, if anyone been through something similar or knows how I can save myself from him, let me know!

Re: Please help! he wants my money!

Lana: My ex wanted half of my money also but did not get it because I was only working a few hours a week. I got a good, experienced Lawyer. You should get a Lawyer. Sometimes the first visit is free. If you cannot afford a Lawyer, visit or call your nearest women's services center to see if there is any free legal help there and/or call the nearest Bar Association to see if there is anyone answering calls about the law sometimes "pro bono" (free). He is using you if he wants $10K to sign divorce papers especially if he does not know how much you have in the bank. One of the things divorced people must do is to reveal their finances on paper. It doesn't seem like he has told you or written down how much he has at the request of a Lawyer! This guy is all about money. Also, I hope you are looking for a job. Visit your local Unemployment Office. They can help you find a job or tell you about job training. Many women are trained to cook, clean and do errands for the elderly or to work in medical offices.