Womans Divorce Forum

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Re: Advice

If he really wants out NOTHING you do will convince him to stay. You can ask if he would try counseling as you would like to save the marriage if possible. But do not beg. Don't let your love or fear keep you from protecting yourself financially. Get legal advice and be prepared to fight if necessary. Get a few family members and/or friends for support but don't tell everyone you see your story (like I did!). I hate how pathetic I was (2007). If you pray now is the time to do it hard. Keep on with your education plan; you may get spousal support in addition to child support at least till you are done. Try to be strong for your kids and just keep putting one foot in front of the other. It is painful, but you can do this...

Re: Advice

I am currently going through a divorce and am waiting on it to be finalized. We were married 17 years. I feel that if he is already talking to someone else that you should move forward. Take everything day by day. Tell yourself everyday "I am smart, I am kind and I AM IMPORTANT". Get encouragement and advice anywhere you can it helps. I continue to post to this site as it helps me get it out and see other women going through similar situations. Also know that GOD has a plan for you, even if you don't see it right now. Best of luck to you.