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relocating without the children

I currently have split custody with my ex of our children 15yrs and 16yrs...I have been remarried for 6yrs and we are needing to rrelocate to a different state due to my husband's job change. I am a stay at home mom. The children I have with my ex want to stato stay with him to finish highschool plus my oldest has a 4yr scholarship she will lose if she goes. I am assuming I will have to pay child support now but how is that determined if I am not working?

Re: relocating without the children

Your income will be imputed. The amount depends upon your skills. If you have no marketable skills, the court will likely base child support upon 40 hours/week at minimum wage.

Re: relocating without the children

Shawna: I was in a situation in which my soon-to-be ex was unemployed and unable to provide for me temporarily (alimony, child was 18). We were waiting to go into court. The Judge sent us home. No money, no support. If you are able to work and your ex needs the funds, he could get a Lawyer and put pressure on you to find work after you move and to pay you child support. I would consult with a Family Lawyer.