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Truth verses Lies

When the fog clears I can look back and see manipulation; whether intended or not in my ex & child.

It wasn't a good marriage & I know if we had the right start it could have been something great. The way parents raise children and our born personality traits can leave us all in a mess.
My ex was selfish & controlling. I was against control and giving. Two extreme which made for a train wreck.

I have to sort through events where my child may have stretched, held back information which they either thought benefited them or spite for my ex. Having a role in the train wreck.

Example: my ex isn't business or knowledgeable on life (or maybe just a good liar). The Union called him back & he has been working for 3 years (before getting laid off again), health insurance kicked in during the work time. The kids & I have been gone for 7 years, divorced 2, and with my full time job I have had insurance on the 3 of us for 7 years.

During our recent conversation ex said he never thought about taking us off his coverage until Obama care contacted him saying there was a discrepancy with records--I and the kids were covered twice. He took me off but left 1 of the kids, still under 26, on his plan. Now the government is checking him out.

My child said dad told them he wanted to add them to his policy & asking if I had them covered under my plan (if I was having payroll deductions for them). If not he wanted their SS# to add them to his.

This government portion or dual coverage wasn't given to me when the adding discussion was mentioned with the kid. How, as a mother, do I deal with the fact one or both aren't telling the whole story. I have always given the benefit of the doubt when dealing with people; trying to see the best in those close to me and trusting that I am given the whole truth. As a mom and ex-wife what questions do I ask, do I just let them answer my questions and collect the information or inquiry for full truth. How should I be feeling right now. HELP. I need advise from people who may have dealt with similar situations.

Re: Truth verses Lies

This is a really complicated situation, you must immediately consult a good attorney and explain him the current situation. He will be able to guide you perfectly and will make sure that you won't suffer any losses. My friend's sister also faced a similar situation, so she consulted a renowned lawyer right here in Paris and he guided her perfectly.