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Feeling Lonely

So its been 2 years since my separation and 8 months since my divorce. Does the feeling of being alone ever go away? I basically have no friends here and my family are all interstate. I have 2 teenage children and work full time but feel like I am only just keeping my head above water. Any suggestions on how to start feeling better about things.....

Re: Feeling Lonely

I am also lonely. Ive been separated for a year papers will be filed in two weeks. I have no friends or family. I tried to go to a music club on Friday and had to leave because of anxiety. I write in my journal alot because i know my mom is tired of hearing about it. I do have a therapist but i really need a friend or companion. I hate feeling this way

Re: Feeling Lonely

I feel the same way. I have been separated since February, divorced in August. My family is tired of hearing it and seems to think I should be moving on by now. We were married for 12 years. I don't really have any friends to lean on, everyone stays so busy. I have a counselor but its not much really. Feeling so sad and lonely.

Re: Feeling Lonely

I have recently separated from my husband after 33yrs.and it`s not easy by any means,asi am new here and I only have one friend,who has her own issues

Re: Feeling Lonely

Hi. I'm new here and most likely getting a separation very soon. I'm heart broken and very lonely as well. I am going through all of this totally alone. If anyone would just like to chat, shoot emails back and forth, please reply. My email: Mrsaal84@gmail.com

Re: Feeling Lonely

Me too. My divorce is imminent and I'm already lonely. I can't even comprehend how I'll feel a year from now.