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My Ex and I were Divorced the end of Oct 2015 (separated Feb 2015). Since my child (3 this Dec) and I moved at the New Year, I have had 3 phone calls and 5 texts from him, not ever talking to our child just talking to ME about HIMSELF. He was verbally and emotionally abusive and manipulative during our marriage and divorce. Has talked bad about me(im not hurt by this anymore) AND OUR CHILD (who he said is a "horrible little BAST***") to anyone who will lesion. He now is saying he wants to buy land and have US live on it together and acts like all is ok and forgiven. Saying but not acting like he wants us to be one big happy family. After getting kicked out by his parents he now is a 18 wheeler driver for a "living" (he has never had a job longer than 6 months with out quitting or getting fired.)OH BTW he has had one of his 6 GFs who is married with her own family paying his bills.

I have no interest in getting back together. I have Made This Quite Clear. He will not move on or let it go. He is a child who doesn't want to play with his toys until he cant have them anymore.

I have no Cause for a restraining order. I cant completely ignore him due to our divorce papers. WHAT ELSE CAN I DO.