Womans Divorce Forum

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Helpful Divorce Resources (articles, books, support groups, etc)

I have found that there is a never-ending supply of divorce resources out there but a lot of books I have tried to read are way too long and with so much going on in my life right now it's hard to concentrate. There are also a lot of fabulous communities out there (so pleased I found this!). I would love to get your recommendations for anything that has helped you cope and heal during your divorce. I am a big reader so book recommendations are welcome! The one book that I found that I finished and I felt actually helped was "The Accidental Divorcee" by author Laura Scott (http://theaccidentaldivorcee.com/). It is short, insightful, and full of straight talk that lets you know exactly what to expect and how to deal with it. She shares her story and there were many times throughout the book that I felt like I was reading about myself and what I was going through. Not only does she teach you how to heal but then there is some great advice on how to begin again; start new routines, start dating, etc. I really hope you will all check it out. I look forward to hearing your suggestions too.