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OK Heres my story ok ive been married for 7 years now my husband wants a divorce which is fine but i wondering about the procedure furst we have 3 kids hecwants a divorce because i refused to abort my son. Plus he says because i look in his phone and saw that he had been having conversation with other women and makinv plans to.meet i soke to him about it and he never stopped i also spoke to the other women and he says i had no right it wasnt my place. He wants to do a no fault divorce hes pyshing me to agree to his terms he also has stated to me that because the house loan is in his name and the deed is in both our names that when the divorce is finalized i would have to leave since right now i can get buy him out and the judge would make me leave is this true he also only wants to agree to 400.00 childs support and no alimony and that i agree to help with repairs on the house to put back on market or sign over all my interest in the home. I have stated that i wouldnt sign the papers because none of it is fair and hes stated that im being unreasonable. Am im being fair

Re: Divorce

Do NOT agree nor sign anything... If the house was purchased during the marriage then most states consider this a marital asset / 50/50..... He's an idiot if he thinks 400.00 in CS for 3 kids is fair..... You have all the bargaining power on your side ... Don't give in because he no longer wants to provide for his family.

Re: Divorce

No need to worry about money. Women hold all the cards in divorce court because judges and laws are biased in our favor. Likely here's what the judge will give you as long as you ask: alimony, child support per the state's calculation, half the marital assets, half his retirement savings, and he'll have to move out of the house. He'll probably have to pay off all the main debt (mortgage). You'll be able to live off his paycheck and can stay at home and not have to work. Try to get a domestic violence protective order against him as soon as possible - that'll be the nail in his coffin. Just don't get re-married because that will jeopardize your alimony, although boyfriends are fine. Time to cash in on this creep and make him pay.