Womans Divorce Forum

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Hello everyone. I am new here and looking for other women to connect with during this difficult time.
Background:-Married 5 yrs
-found out in September of 2015 that my husband was having an affair with a coworker.
-started marriage counseling, weekly (our relationship was up & down, but we were working on it... Or so I thought)
- July 2016: I find out the other woman is pregnant with my husband's child.
-Husband asks for forgiveness. We continue counseling.
-A few weeks ago: find earring in husbands car.
-I message other woman and find they are still continuing affair, which he had been denying.
Right now, husband is leaning towards separation. We have 3 young children together, 2 of which are still in diapers. I love this man SO much. I am a Christian and want to forgive him and save my family- even if he doesn't deserve it.
I'm so hurt and distraught. I have no one to talk to and need someone to lean on...
Please help, ladies. What's a girl to do?! Do I continue to fight for my marriage out of love and for my children?? When is it time to just let go? How can I ever let him go?


I'm going through something similar. I've been married approx. 4.5 years and we've been having serious problems since just a few months after the wedding. I'm here to reach out to it you need me.


I am so sorry you are going through that. The pain is horrible. My feeling in your situation is that you could stay to try and keep your family together but he is starting another one of his own and I think he will likely keep straying or leave himself. Life is not fair sometimes. I'm hurting too.


Just: Sorry about this mess. Perhaps he is a sex addict. Please do not sleep with him again in case he has an STD if he refuses to get tested and get yourself tested. If it were me, I'd call it quits and get whatever help I needed, i.e., WIC, the local food pantry, Child Support, job training, if needed, Govt. help in paying for child care and/or family help, help from your church.