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Looking for answers

So quick rundown so I can hopefully get help or guidance or someone to empathize... So I've been divorced since November of last year and had been separated since the November before... I had just had a child and my husband would rather drink then touch him so it was the straw that broke the camels back... Since sperating he has been with many woman. All the while telling me he loves me and wants only me. Well I went through the divorce anyway... His "talk" finally had no effect on me for saying you love me and only show hate and disrespect. Since the divorce we still had been intimate because well he is the father of my children and for all the crap I was hoping the divorce was his wake up call to change a few things that he promised would be changed... Well all of a sudden he moved to another state. He says for a job so we continue our relationship. Well I found out he has been with a woman for 8 months!!! What! OK so now all of a sudden I am not welcome at family functions and he wants this woman to meet my kids.... NO! She can't meet my kids... He hasn't payed child support since January and he works for his girlfriend who knows he had kids so they both suck... I do my best not to get angry however he won't let me move on but he can... The only person I was trying to try to start something with he found out and contacted them on Facebook... So A. How can I get him to understand he can't bring his girlfriend around my kids. I have full physical custody of them... B. I want to get him for child support but he says it will start trouble with his boss/girlfriend... C. I want to tell her that he is a lying cheater, but is that my place... And D. How do I move on!?

Re: Looking for answers

Looking: You are entitled to child support. The laws about that are strict these days. Research the laws on line and get a Family Lawyer. Unless your husband's girlfriend has committed a crime, it is unlikely the kids can be kept from her. The way I moved on was to be good to myself. I joined a yoga class and a low cost health club. If you cannot afford that, walk the malls and go for nature walks when the weather is good if you are able.